
Documentation list 所需文件清单


Sec.1 General Documentation相关文件

· Business License/ Factory floor plan/Organization Chart/Production flow chart


· ISO 9001 Accreditation Certificate or other certificate (if available)

ISO 9001 国际质量认证或其它认证 (如有)

· Quality Manual 品质手册

· Quality Procedure/Working Instruction  品质程序及作业指m

· Production Certificate(if applicable)产品安全认证(如有)

· Product risk assessment 产品风险评估

· Process risk assessment 过程风险评估

Sec.2 Goods Inwards 进料

· Warehouse management procedure/policy 仓库管理程序/制度

· Procedures for assessing incoming goods 进料检验规范

· Inspection records 进料检验记录

· Procedure for handling Concession orders 例外放行程序

· Records for handling rejected items 不合格进料处理记录

· Procedures for releasing incoming goods 进料发放程序

· Records for releasing incoming goods 进料发放记录

· 供应商评估程序

· Supplier records/ratings 供应商评估记录

· Approved supplier list合格供应商名单

· 供应商表现统计监控

Sec.3 Area—Production 生产

· Document Control Procedure 文件控制程序

· New worker training records 新员工培训记录

· Equipment/tool/mould list and maintenance record设备/工具/模具清单和维护保养记录

· Production Meeting records 生产会议记录

· 产前会议记录

· Procedure for conducting In-process/final inspection 检验程序

· Inspection instruction 检验规范

· In-process/final inspection record  IPQC和FQC检验记录

· Procedure for handling Non-conforming items 不合格品控制程序

· Records for handling Non-conforming items 不合格品处理记录

· Pre-shipment inspection records产前样品检验记录

· 试产报告

· Internal procedures for RoHS &WEEE  RoHS&WEEE的内部控制程序 (如适用)

· RoHS & WEEE audit record RoHS & WEEE的审核记录

· Procedure for controlling Sharp tool  利器控制程序(如适用)

· Sharp tool control record 利器发放回收记录(如适用)

· Broken needle policy 断针控制政策(如适用)

· Needle return and release records(如适用)

· FSC policy 木材认证政策 (如适用)

· Glass items policy 玻璃制品控制程序 (如适用)

· Records for handling broken glass items 碎损玻璃制品处理记录(如适用)

· 产品测试程序和内外部测试报告

· 风险评估程序和报告

Sec.4 QA/QC

· Testing equipment list and calibration records测试仪器清单和校验记录

· Training plan 培训计划

· QA/QC training records QA/QC 人员培训记录

· Procedure for final inspection 成品检验程序

· Final inspection instruction 成品检验规范

· Facilities maintenance plan and record. 设备保养计划和记录

· Internal audit record 内部品质审核记录

· Management review record 管理评审记录

· Quality objective statistic record 品质目标统计记录

· 及时交货率统计

Sec.5 Area— Logistics & After sales 物流和售后

· Purchasing procedure 采购程序

· Order contract with the supplier采购订单(最近三个月)

· Order plan 采购计划(如有)

· Order monitoring records 跟单记录(如有)

· Staff training record 物流部门员工培训记录

· Concession ordering procedure 特采程序

· Customer complaint Procedure客诉处理程序

· Customer complaint records 客诉处理记录

· Corrective and preventative action procedure and record 纠正和预防措施程序和记录

· Recall procedure 召回程序

· Recall records 产品召回记录(如有)

Sec.6 Environmental

· Environmental policy 环保政策

· Pest prevention control record 虫害预防控制程序和记录

· 防霉防潮控制程序和记录

· Inspection report or permit on environment or waste disposal plants

环境审批报告/批文, 污水处理设备批文

· Hazardous material list(MSDS)

有害及危险物品清单(含物质安全数据表MSDS 文件)

· Supplier environment monitoring or audit record供应商环境监测或审核记录

· Records for employee education on environmental issues 员工环保教育记录

Sec.7 Social accountability

· Employee labour contract员工劳动合同

· Employee name list全体员工花名册

· Quality employee name list质量人员花名册

· 员工身份证明Age documents for all employees

· Young workers name enrolment records & Health examination Records, Registration Records未成年工花名册/未成年工健康检查证明及上岗审批手续等(如有)

· Wages policy and structure for employees and workers员工薪资结构的相关政策

· Payroll records and production records for past 3 months 最近一年的工资 / 生产记录

(a) Time card / attendance record最近一年的考勤记录

(b) Pay slip /wage sheet with workers' signatures 最近一年的有工人签名的工资条/薪资表

· Accident report procedures and record,


· Employee injured & Social insurance records


· Company rules and regulation and employee handbook 公司制度定和员工手册

· Facilities safety operation certificate, and inspection report or specialized equipment including boiler, forklifts, elevators operation license, hygiene certificate, and cooker health certification, qualification or license of electrician, welding workers, and license of company nurse/doctor.



· PPE delivery record劳保用品发放记录

· Chemical material storage policy 危险化学品控制程序(如适用)

· Fire drill, emergency evacuation plan or records 消防演习计划/记录

· Fire safety inspection or Certificate 国家消防安全年检记录




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